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Monday, September 8, 2008

Cougars eat Huskeys

Roommate Scott took the week off and left me to live in my own apartment alone for 10 days. Kinda lonely. Not my favorite. I don't know how people do it. Go to work, come home, make yourself dinner and watch TV, read, email, and bed. It was kinda sad. I tried my best to find other things to do, but decided I don't ever plan on living alone if I can help it.

At the end of that week Dad and Kyle Lewis came up to visit me in Seattle. We had a great weekend spending time with the Boys (Ron Kellmer joined us too) and letting Kyle and Dad see my place where I work and what life it like up here in Seattle. We all got together and went to see the Cougars play the UW Huskies at Husky stadium and wow what a game. BYU barely won (which is gay cause we were expected to destroy them) but the Cougars won after a celebration penalty on the Husky's last touchdown set them back 15 for the PAT and BYU blocked it. Kinda crazy, ESPN's all talking crap about BYUs win and I know everyone at work today's gunna give me a hard time, but a win's a win. Apparently BYU now has the longest winning streak (dating back to last season) out of all the div I teams. Go Cougs!

We also drove around Seattle and ended up at the Mariners Yankee's game. Marinas lost, but going to the game was fun. Kyle and Dad came back to my place with me and got to experience how cool it is.

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