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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Detroit what?!... Detroit Lake

Went camping with some family friends, the Kelmers, this past weekend. It was a whole lot of fun this year. Great location at Detroit Lake and great weather except for the last night when it dumped rain while we were sleeping and broke the rain fly and got all our stuff wet. (That's probably because I only stakes down the poles with one stake instead of two, but it was all good cause Dad woke up in the middle of the night and went out into the storm to fix it while I slept. :))

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

SES San Jose

Headed to San Jose this week for work. Spent most of my time absorbing as much search knowledge as I possibly could while balancing my duties of manning the MSFT Live Search/adCenter Expo booth and working remotely. Hit up the Google Glow-in-the-Dark dance. Not bad Google, not bad.