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Monday, June 16, 2008

Dad Visits, I Travel, Car Costs

Dad came to visit this week and we got dinner together. Sure is nice that he can stop by every couple weeks and visit when here's up here for work. The weather FINALLY got warm again, I'm hoping we've seen the last of the gloomy rain season up here and can get PuMpeD for summer. My Xterra just about gave up the ghost last week and I need a new transmission. Dad and I talked options and some of the first quotes I got were for like $4k in repairs. I took it to a shop dad suggested and the guy said he'd be able to rebuild it with a warranty for just over $2k. SUPER expensive, but after hearing $4k and $3k from the other 3 mechanics I talked to, I feel like this is a great deal. I hope my car really loves me for putting over $5k into it over the past 4 months. It better work good for the next 30 years.

I went to a cabin up around the other side of the Puget sound on Saturday with some friends, it was really pretty, just relaxed, chilled by the lake and had a bonfire, played games and played pool, roasted hot dogs and s'mores. Good times. The area up here is real pretty and if it wasn't for the weather and the cost of living, I’d be sold on it being the best place to live in the country. Oh well you can't have everything.

Best friend Joe is coming to visit starting this Sunday. We'll chill for a few days in Seattle and then head to Portland to visit Mom and Dad for about a Day. Then we'll start our little trek down the coast. We're gunna be driving in a rental car and visiting friends/sites along the coast all the way till LA which we need to be arriving at on Sunday morning or earlier cause we both have flights home from LAX early Sunday afternoon. Anyone have any suggestions on where to go/camp/visit along the coast?

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