Twitter Updates

Sunday, March 30, 2008

And so it begins...

I haven't been one to blog much on the internet. In fact, besides my brief affair with livejournal, back when it was an "by invite only" site, I don't think I've ever made and effort to share much about my personal life online (however, facebook seems to occasionally do it for me). Truth is, I have a hard time keeping my family up to date on my latest activities with a quick weekly email. Just the same, I thought I'd take a swing at this blogging thing since pretty much everyone I've met since showing up in Seattle has a blog, and I figure it can't hurt to add another semi-introverted online activity to the list of things I fill my feel time with.

Quick recap:

I'm Kris, I'm awesome, and I'm starting this blog cause I want to be cool like everyone else around here that has a blog and give people a chance to follow whats been happening with me wherever they are.


Mike said...

welcome to the bandwagon. we'll carpool one of these days...

Kris Clegg said...

umm, I'll believe it when I see it